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Resilient Bold Belize: Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Resilient Bold Belize

GEF Agency: WWF US
Lead Executing Entity:  Blue Bond and Finance Permance Unit

This project will complement and strengthen ongoing programs under several government departments, each pivotal in managing and safeguarding Belize’s natural resources. Working alongside the Fisheries Department in the Ministry of Blue Economy and Disaster Risk Management (MBEDRM), responsible for overseeing Marine Reserves and fisheries management, the Forest Department within the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (MSDCC), which leads efforts in mangrove protection and restoration, and the National Biodiversity Office, entrusted with coastal and marine protected area management (excluding Marine Reserves), this project amplifies the collective impact of these agencies. Moreover, it aligns with the government’s commitment to sustainable financing through initiatives like Blue Bond financing. Additional investments from entities such as the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT), the Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future, and the Pew Charitable Trusts further bolster the project’s reach and effectiveness. Drawing from the wealth of experience and resources provided by programs like the Green Climate Fund country program, the Caribbean Natural Resource Institute, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), this project leverages a solid foundation to advance its objectives. Building upon these existing frameworks and collaborations, the project aims to enhance marine conservation enforcement, foster sustainable livelihoods, and promote biodiversity conservation to benefit Belize’s ecosystems and communities.

1.1: Enabling conditions established for the implementation of the PFP co-developed and agreed by Government and non-government stakeholders. The project will build the capacity of the government and partners to (i) develop PFP governance arrangements including Operations Manual, Conservation and Financial Plans, Institutional Arrangements and Disbursement Conditions. The planning process will build capacities, cross-sectoral coordination, and policy coherence. These plans will be informed by natural capital accounting valuation, building on a baseline of work conducted by the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development.

1.2. Improved domestic resource mobilization towards the financial sustainability of effective management of marine and coastal ecosystems. The project will support the Belize government in developing sustainable finance mechanisms to increase domestic resource mobilization towards the PFP Conservation Plan. Options for deploying a plan for a National Entrance Fee system for Belize will also be explored.

1.3 Increased coordination and collaboration for effective management of protected areas. The project will provide technical support for the establishment of an integrated national body to coordinate and oversee climate resilient, gender responsive and socially inclusive protected area

2.1 Existing nature-based solutions applied at scale in coastal and marine protected areas and target ecosystems resulting in improved habitat integrity and ecosystem conditions. Once the 
governance arrangements, conservation plan, finance plan and funding commitments are formally agreed upon, under this component, the PFP will implement the agreed Conservation Plan, scaling
up NbS including protection, effective management, and restoration of coastal and marine PAs and key ecosystems, and improvement of livelihoods of targeted communities, particularly in the
tourism and fisheries sectors. The PFP Conservation Plan will include strategies under 5 pillars:
I. Marine and Coastal PA Management,

II. Ecosystem Restoration and Protection,
III. Livelihoods and Wellbeing,
IV. Institutional and Policy Reforms, and
V. Sustainable Financing.

3.1 Strengthened communication, coordination and knowledge management at national and global levels in alignment with the Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program. The project will provide coordination of stakeholder participation in national and regional platforms through webinars, study exchanges with other SIDS, and workshops, side events, and communication materials. The Belize BGI project will facilitate key staff to attend the BGI IP Annual Workshops or events, and project management unit staff will include time dedicated to coordinating with the Global BGI Project and the Global BGI IP PMU.

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