This Management Plan provides the contextual background for informed management decision making, and a structured framework of activities to assist TIDE, the Fisheries Department (the legislated management authority), and other partners to ensure Port Honduras Marine Reserve continues to support both biodiversity and livelihoods.
The management of Port Honduras is guided by its categorization as a marine reserve, designated under the Fisheries Act, being set aside: “To ensure, increase and sustain the productive service and integrity of the marine resources for the benefit of all Belizeans of present and future generations.”
This Management Plan has been developed by the Toledo Institute for Development and the Environment (TIDE), as the co-management partner, to guide the organization and its partners
through the next five years (2017 – 2012). In line with the National Protected Areas Policy and System Plan, it reflects the participatory approach to management being adopted in Belize
today, with the input of key stakeholders of PHMR, through focal group meetings, interviews with a wide variety of individuals (including key fishing and tourism stakeholders), PHMR staff
(both at management and field level), and the Port Honduras Advisory Council.