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Environmental Management Social Framework Through the Environmental and Social Management Framework, the RBB project identifies several critical risks and impacts associated

Stakeholder Engagement Plan This project will complement and strengthen ongoing programs under several government departments, each pivotal in managing and

Construction of SWCMR HEADQUARTER Submission Deadline Days Hours Minutes Seconds Download PDF Submission of Bids ines.garcia@fisheries.gov.bz Belize Fisheries Department, Princess

Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Belize, a multi-pronged approach to its control and management Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease

Contribute to the sustainable management of Belize’s marine resources Send us an email with your professional resume. We’ll contact you

Today, amid the uncertain time brought with COVID-19, the Fisheries Department was able to engage its marine reserve staff along

0 Hatchlings Our Marine Biologist, Edgar Gonzalez, checking a recently hatched nest at the beach in Long Caye. A total

Construction of Fisheries Docking Pier Submission Deadline Days Hours Minutes Seconds Download PDF Submission of Bids seniorfisheriesofficer@fisheries.gov.bz Belize Fisheries Department,

On February 14 the Fisheries Resource Act was passed into law. The Act promotes integrated management of resources to ensure