Contact Info

Office Coastal Zone Management Complex, Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City

Call +501-203-26235



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MPA Coverage

Territorial waters declared as marine protected areas (MPA)

Replenishment Zones

Marine areas declared as marine replenishment zones (RZ)

Women Beneficiaries

Communities adopting alternative livelihoods with reduced dependency on fishing

Behaviour Change

Targeted beneficiary communities change attitude/behaviour in resource management

Project Approach

Support initiatives implemented by the Fisheries Department, the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute, and co-management NGOs. Consultants were contracted as needed.
COMPONENT: Improving the protection regime of marine and coastal ecosystems
Support alternative livelihood initiatives (sub-projects) designed and planned by stakeholders and community groups with the assistance of the PIAG and the Fisheries Department. ALL sub-projects financed were in support of viable and sustainable alternative livelihoods for affected users of the reef in the areas impacted by project activities. Consultants were contracted as needed to provide business planning and skills training.
COMPONENT: Promoting viable alternative livelihoods for affected users of the reef
Raise awareness, build local capacity, and disseminate project information. Consultants were contracted to undertake activities, primarily those pertaining to the KAP surveys and BCC campaigns.
COMPONENT: Raising awareness and building local capacity
Support the Project Implementing Agency Group (PIAG) to undertake (a) Project management and implementation support including technical, administrative and fiduciary management, and socio-environmental aspects including compliance with environmental and social safeguards, and (b) monitoring and evaluation, data collection, and coordination.
COMPONENT: Project Management, monitoring and assessment


Executing Agency

Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) is a statutory body that was established by the Government of Belize (GOB) in 1995 with the passage of the Protected Areas Conservation Trust Act, after several years of consultation and meetings with various non-government organizations, government departments, private sector and international conservation organizations. Having been formally endorsed through the USAID’s project in Belize on developing a National Protected Areas System Plan (NARMAP 1995), PACT opened its doors in June of 1996.

PACT is designed to contribute to the sustainable management and development of Belize’s natural and cultural heritage by providing effective funding support to protected areas. The national environmental trust fund is managed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries, and Sustainable Development. The head office of PACT is located in the capital city of Belmopan.

PACT provides funds for supporting conservation and promoting environmentally sound management of Belize’s natural and cultural resources to foster sustainable development. PACT is a bold and innovative strategy for non-traditional revenue generation. PACT is primarily financed from the collection of a conservation fee of BZ $7.50 (US $3.75) paid by visitors to Belize upon their departure from the country and a 20% commission from cruise ship passenger fees. At least 5% of all revenues are deposited into an endowment fund. PACT also receives donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

Implementing Agency

The World Bank will acts as the multilateral implementing entity (MIE) and bears the full responsibility for the overall management of the Project financed by the Adaptation Fund, and will bear all financial, monitoring, and reporting responsibilities to the Adaptation Fund Board.

Project Steering Committee (PSC)

The Project Steering Committee (PSC) is drawn from a cross section of stakeholders in the marine and coastal resources management field with particular reference to the priority areas identified. This committee provides oversight of the project via the PIAG. The PSC is comprised of the following members:

The PSC is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of the MFFESD. Fisheries Department and PACT are be ex-officio members of the PSC.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

The TAC provides general technical guidance for project implementation, including the screening and evaluation of technical aspects of sub-project proposals. The TAC is comprised of the following members:

The TAC is chaired by the Fisheries Administrator and empowered to invite other technical advisors as needed. TAC meets once every two months and convenes special meetings to address particular Project issues that may arise. During those meetings, the TAC focuses on actionable items related to Project implementation.

Project Implementing Agency Group (PIAG)

To manage MCCAP, the MFFESD  established a separate Project Implementing Agency Group (PIAG) that is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project and reporting to the PSC. Day-to-day activities are coordinated and maintained with the Fisheries Department.

The PIAG is housed at the Fisheries Department/CZMA office building in Belize City, and is headed by the Project Coordinator (PC) assisted by the Senior Technical Officer and the Administrative Assistant.

Operational management of the project is the responsibility of the PIAG.  This includes: planning, budgeting, technical coordination, implementation supervision, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and ensuring compliance with World Bank safeguards and regulations of Belize.

Project accounting, financial management and procurement functions will be carried out by PACT Finance Department. PACT is also responsible for project monitoring and reporting responsibilities to the World Bank. Implementation of MCCAP by PACT is carried out under the oversight and guidance of the PSC.

All PIAG staff are hired on a contractual basis and have the status of consultants under contracts of duration of two years extendable, subject to a satisfactory performance review. All hiring of PIAG staff undertaken is in accordance with PACT and WB procurement rules for consultants. All contract and personnel management and procedures for PIAG staff follow the prevailing rules and regulations for PACT staff.